
[2형식 감각동사 예문 5개]

1) This orange tastes sweet.

2) The air feels cool.

3) The fruit looks ripe.

4) The perfume smells floral.

5) His voice sounds sad.

[4형식 수여동사 예문 5개=> 3형식으로 바꾸기]

1) I brought you a gift. -> I brought a gift for you

2) Could you pass me the wrench? -> Could you pass the wrench to me?

3) They show me their reports. ->They show their reports to me.

4) May I ask you a favor? -> May I ask a favor of you?

5) We offer ourselves a chance to succeed. -> We offer a chance to succeed to ourselves.

[5형식 목적격보어 명사/형용사/to부정사 각 예문 5개]

*5형식 목적격보어 명사 예문

1) You can call me John.

2) We elected him president.

3) He appointed me the professor of philosophy.

4) I will name my baby John.

5) My mom made me a nurse.

*5형식 목적격보어 형용사 예문

1) I made you happy.

2) I always keep my room clean.

3) He finds the book interesting.

4) My brother left me alone.

5) Her smile always makes me happy.

*5형식 목적격보어 to부정사 예문

1) My parents allowd me to stay with my friends late.

2) We already expected James to be late.

3) She doesn't want anybody to know the truth.

4) The hotel allowed me to stay with my dog.

5) We need to force him to do the right thing.

[사역동사/지각동사 각 예문 3개]

*사역동사 예문

1) You make me laugh everyday.

2) I had him wash his car.

3) She let her children play outside.

*지각동사 예문

1) I heard her sing a lovely song.

2) The students saw their teacher close the window

3) I often see him playing the guitar.



4~5형식 작문연습

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